Augustine Acquah, MPhil, MSc, PhD
Nominated From: University of Michigan
Research Site: University of Ghana
Research Area: Occupational and Environmental Health
Primary Mentors: Dr. Bernard Martin and Dr. Julius Fobil
Research Project
Development of Ergonomic Assessment Methods and Solutions to Address Occupational Health Hazards Associated with Informal Electronic Waste Recycling
Do you know, Agbogbloshie in Accra Ghana, is one of the biggest e-waste dumpsite in the world with over 90% or workers experiencing respiratory problems, exposure to toxic chemicals, WMSDS and occupational injuries. With the increase in electronic gadgets world wide, e-waste importation and recycling is on the rise in several developing countries, including Ghana where low skilled workers use rudimentary methods to extract valuable metals from end of life electronics. With no appropriate PPE and very little occupational health and safety practices.
Research Significance
Physical, chemical and environmental work-related exposures from informal e-waste recycling could have long term consequences on the health of workers and present with long term disability. Reliable quantification of ergonomic/physical work exposures associated with informal e-waste recycling is an important initial step towards developing safe work methods for this population. This study will use a data driven approach, complemented by worker and stakeholder engagement to develop simple and easy to implement solutions that can help make informal e-waste recycling safe for low skilled workers in LMICs as this forms an essential part of their livelihood.