Core Competency Curriculum
Our weekly online “Core Competencies for Global Health” curriculum provides an opportunity for all trainees to establish competency in eight thematic domains relevant to global health research (please find more details in the sample curriculum below), as they implement, conduct, and analyze their research projects.
Sample Core Competency Curriculum
In case if you want to reuse core competency curriculum materials published on our website, please cite the NPGH Fogarty Fellows.
Forms for trainees
- Administrative Forms
Emergency Contact Form
Research Assistant Agreement
Responsible Conduct of Research - Fiscal
Alumni Travel Funding Request
Budget Template and Example
Purchasing and Reimbursement Guidelines
Research Funds Request - Guides
Choosing an Insurance Plan
IRB Application Flowchart
Tips on IRB Submission
Travel Guidelines - Mentorship
Mentor Compact
Mentor Encounter - Safety
Site Safety Checklist
General Safety Briefing - Misc
CUGH Annotated List of Online Global Health Resources
NIH Biosketch Instructions
PRISM Readability Toolkit
Handbooks by research sites
Please find Handbooks about our research sites below (access is provided via shared Google Folder)
Cameroon Site Handbook
China Site Handbook
Ghana Site Handbook
Kenya Site Handbook
Peru Site Handbook
Thailand Site Handbook
Uganda Site Handbook
Recent Workshops
Implementation Science Workshop
- Dates: February 19-22, 2024
- Location: Accra, Ghana
- Successful research doesn’t just happen, it requires careful and thoughtful planning. Thus, this workshop aims to review the process of designing, setting up, implementing your research activities, and analyzing data.
- Workshop Agenda
Research Symposium for Fogarty Fellow Trainees Program
- Dates: May 25-26, 2023
- Location: Muhas, Dar Es Salaam