Life during a Pandemic: how academia responds
The Northern Pacific Global Health (NPGH) Fellowship Program, in coordination with our sister Global Health Fellows & Scholars Consortia, organized weekly Zoom discussions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Calls were moderated by Dr. Joe Zunt (University of Washington). We hope these calls will provide the Fogarty Global Health Fellows & Scholars community an opportunity to connect and learn from each other during this global crisis.
There are currently no upcoming calls scheduled. Feel free to email if you would like to suggest topics/speakers for our series!
Previous Calls & Recordings
Click on pictures below to access Youtube recordings.

Additional COVID-19 Talks
Washington and Kenya: Opportunities for Joint Learning on the COVID-19 Epidemic. Webinar participants who attend 6 of the 11 sessions will receive a certificate of participation. For more info, see

Practical Guidance during the Era of COVID for Obstetricians in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC). This webinar will share lessons learned by MFMs treating pregnant women with COVID-19 in New York City and Boston. Register here.

Shaping Teaching and Learning to Address a Global Health Crisis: COVID-19 and Global Health. A conversation to share practical advice and effective strategies for adapting teaching and learning practices, integrating the crisis into current courses, sustaining community engagement, and anticipating student vulnerabilities. Register here.

Ensuring Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities. The Context and Ethics of Health Rationing Protocols during COVID-19. Organized by the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University. Click here for more info and to register.

Diabetes and COVID-19: What Can The US and India Learn from Each Other? As the US healthcare system is forced to deal with disparities in care, can it benefit from procedures and low-cost technology that are standard in India? With the US ahead in the COVID-19 timeline, what are lessons that India can learn from the US experience? Webinar ID:

University of Washington Seminar: Exploring and Understanding the COVID-19 Pandemic. You can view each seminar via video, which will be posted on this page every Thursday (starting April 16).

Strategies to Support the COVID-19 Response in LMICs: A Virtual Seminar Series. The Johns Hopkins Center for Global Health presents a series of short lectures based on our experience treating COVID-19 patients at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

COVID-19 Tele-education Series for Healthcare Providers in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Organized by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, Assist International and Project ECHO. Visit website to register and for more info.

Virtual UC Global Health Day 2020 – Global perspectives on COVID-19. Visit the conference page for more details.
