Rose Bosire, MPH, MBChB

Nominated From: University of Washington
Research Site: Kenya
Research Area: HIV/AIDS
Primary Mentor: Carey Farquhar
Rose Bosire was born and brought up in rural western Kenya. After completing high school and during college vacations she worked as volunteer teacher in a local co-ed day school. The students were especially surprised that a female could teach science subjects, particularly mathematics. She joined the University of Nairobi in 1990 to pursue medicine, a six year degree program, and completed in 1997. She had nursed dreams of becoming a doctor since primary school and in high school when she chose HIV as her subject matter for competition in the science congress and went all the way to national level, she made the decision that she will focus on HIV research for her career. She joined the HIV research field within 6 months of completing her internship. Between 2002 and 2004, she undertook her MPH training at University of Washington, on scholarship from the International AIDS Research and Training program. Two years later, she successfully applied for the Global Research Initiative Program (GRIP) for new foreign investigators that is now in the final year of funding. Her research interests include HIV/AIDS immunology, maternal and child health (especially PMTCT, reduction of mortality and morbidity, prevention of malnutrition), and social determinants of health. She has a strong interest in capacity building and is therefore involved in various training programs in Kenya. She is currently undertaking PhD studies at Karolinska Institutet, Sweden. When not doing science, she enjoys reading biographies and children’s books, hiking, visiting new places and mentoring young people especially teenage girls.