Lawrence Osei-Tutu, MBChB, PG Dip, MWACP
Nominated From: University of Minnesota
Research Site: KNUST
Research Area: Clinical Haematology and Nutrition
Primary Mentor: Sarah Cusick
Research Project
Combination Food-Based and Supplemental Iron Replacement Therapy for Children with Moderate-to-Severe Anaemia in a Rural Ghanaian Setting: A Proof-of-Concept Study
Iron deficiency/anemia is prevalent in rural Ghana. Iron deficiency anemia can be treated with appropriately dosed oral iron replacement and other adjunct therapies to improve oral iron absorption and prevent more iron losses. We aim to prove that adding iron rich diet to standard oral iron therapy for the in-hospital treatment of moderate-to-severe anemia will result in a higher day 14 hemoglobin and reduce the need for blood transfusions, compared to standard oral iron replacement therapy alone.
Research Significance
Blood transfusion are not readily and safely accessible in rural areas of Ghana. The study area has a large population of children within a religious community whose beliefs abhors blood transfusions. There is access to local sources of iron rich food that can provide a cheaper alternative to blood transfusions for treating moderate-to-severe anemia in hemodynamically stable hospitalized children.
Advice for Potential Candidates
Find an area of research that you are passionate about; get a mentor in the area and develop your interest by learning to ask good scientific questions to answer under the guidance of your mentor