Priya Shankar, MPH, MD
Nominated From: University of Washington
Research Site: Jawaharlal Nehru University
Research Area: Adolescent Health, Women’s Health, Girls’ Health
Primary Mentor: Deepa Rao
Research Project
Evaluating Adolescents’ Healthcare Utilization and Perspectives on the Availability of Adolescent-Friendly Health Care in Chennai and New Delhi, India
Many of India’s over 120 million females suffer poor health outcomes related to nutrition, gender, mental health, and sexual & reproductive health. These outcomes are driven by limited educational resources during adolescence, minimal adolescent health-related infrastructure, and few existing adolescent-friendly health services.(1) Studies show that adolescent-friendly health services can improve healthcare utilization, health behaviors, and overall health outcomes.(2)
Unfortunately, there are few existing studies in India that evaluate adolescent girls’ health care-seeking behaviors or the degree to which they receive adolescent-friendly care.(3) Additionally, few studies evaluate provider perspectives of their own competencies in providing adolescent-friendly care.
First, the researcher has designed a standardized survey tool (based off the WHO Quality Assessment and Core Competencies Guidebook) for youth and providers to assess and evaluate adolescent-friendly health services. Second, the researcher will conduct qualitative and quantitative surveys with adolescents to evaluate their healthcare-seeking behaviors, as well as their perspectives on the adolescent-friendly nature of care. Third, the researcher will examine healthcare providers’ views on their competencies and ability to provide adolescent-friendly care to female adolescents. This study ultimately seeks to provide guidance on improving adolescent-friendly clinical services for adolescents, with the long-term vision that such changes may help improve healthcare utilization and adolescent health outcomes.
(1) Government of India/Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. National Health Mission Components, RMNCH + A, Adolescent Health: Background.
(2) Hoopes, Andrea J et al. “Measuring adolescent friendly health services in India: A scoping review of evaluations.” Reproductive health vol. 13,1 137. 15 Nov. 2016, doi:10.1186/s12978-016-0251-8.
(3) Denno DM, Hoopes AJ, Chandra-Mouli V. Effective strategies to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and to increase and community support. J Adolesc Health. 2015;56(1 Suppl):S22–41.
Research Significance
Adolescents currently constitute over 20% of India’s population, and addressing their healthcare needs is tremendously important for the country’s overall growth and development. The Indian government continues to recognize this need and has worked to make this a priority area. This study seeks to contribute to adolescent health-related research in a country with the world’s largest adolescent population. Ultimately, by better understanding adolescent and provider perceptions regarding adolescent-related care, my research may influence programmatic and policy design to make healthcare infrastructure more adolescent-friendly. By enabling the advancement and improvement of adolescent-friendly services, it may be possible to improve healthcare utilization by adolescents, community acceptance of adolescent healthcare, adolescent behaviors, and overall health outcomes.
Advice for Potential Candidates
Follow your interest area and passions, and seek out a study team and research mentorship group that align with your values!