The first NPGH Fogarty Fellows went to Cameroon in 2013. In the last few years, trainees have used the University of Yaoundé’ I’s resources to study non-malarial causes of febrile illness, HIV and malaria co-infections, and drug-resistant tuberculosis.
Affiliated Institutions

Over past 20 years, investigators at the University of Yaoundé 1 (UY) have collaborated on NIH-funded research grants. In addition, Dr. Diane Taylor (UH) and Dr. Rose Leke (UY) have served as Co-PIs of FIC training grants originally between the University of Yaoundé 1 and Georgetown University and now the UHM. Through these efforts, these institutions have provided long-term PhD and post-doctoral training for ten Cameroonians, short-term training for over 35 individuals, as well as held many local and international workshops in Cameroon. In the spring of 2012, the University of Yaoundé 1 hosted a training program on Advances in Flow Cytometry with assistance from faculty at the UHM and NIH. This summer, the University of Hawai’i contributed to a workshop on basic scientific methods for new Masters of Science students. In Fall 2012, three Cameroon students enrolled in the UH Tropical Medicine Ph.D. program and in Spring 2014 two Masters of Science students enrolled using the FIC D43 grant mechanism. In addition several undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from both institutions visited Cameroon and Hawaii for short-term training using NIH and private foundation support. At the University of Yaoundé 1, the faculties conduct research on infectious diseases, nutrition, and Public Health Biotechnology. Read more…
Primary Faculty
Other Infectious Diseases
For a list of projects in Cameroon: click here
Current Fogarty Trainees
Past Fogarty Trainees